California budget includes new emphasis on foster youth in schools

“California has just become the first state to really acknowledge that foster children require special attention when it comes to education, and to hold districts and schools accountable for their performance,” said Jesse Hahnel, director of FosterEd, a national initiative focused on helping foster youth throughout the country succeed in school by pushing for stronger […]

An opportunity to ensure foster kids succeed in school

The budget and local control funding formula (LCFF) legislation recently signed by Governor Brown make many important changes to how California school districts are financed and held accountable. Among the most important changes are provisions making California the first state to hold itself accountable for the educational outcomes of students in foster care. Click here […]

Court’s program aims to help foster kids succeed in school

On top of whatever problems made them wards of the state, kids placed in foster care are twice as likely to drop out of school or be held back a grade as their peers. Seventy-five percent underperform scholastically. But Pima County Juvenile Court is ready to implement a program designed to improve the educational outcomes […]

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