The definition of “foster youth” in the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) includes all foster youth, regardless of where they are placed. This does not match the definition of “foster youth” in California’s Foster Youth Services (FYS) program, nor the funding for the FYS program, both of which are limited to foster youth placed in traditional foster care settings. This misalignment is creating confusion for school districts and county offices of education. More importantly, it means foster youth placed with relatives are not eligible or funded to receive services provided by FYS programs, despite recent studies finding they have educational outcomes that are similar, and similarly poor, to foster youth placed in traditional foster care settings. The FYS program should be aligned with the LCFF so that all foster children receive the educational supports they need, regardless of the type of foster placement in which they reside.
Author(s): Alliance for Children’s Rights, Children Now, the National Center for Youth Law
Topic(s): California, Foster Youth, Local Control Funding Formula
Resource Type: Factsheet / Guide
Recommended Audience(s): Agency Leaders and Professionals
Click to Download: Aligning California’s foster youth services (FYS) program with the LCFF