Our demonstration sites involve deep partnerships with local communities. Through them, we facilitate a collective process to build a shared agenda, establish clear metrics that track progress across systems, and implement practices that ensure young people are supported in all the necessary ways in order to succeed. Our team of Education Liaisons, embedded in the local child welfare and education agency, manage this work.
Working in close concert with our <demonstration sites, we create conditions for scale and state impact by developing and executing a bold policy agenda in each of the states we operate. FosterEd led a coalition of organizations that advocated for the inclusion of foster youth educational stability provisions – including protections for students to remain in their school of origin, be immediately enrolled in school, and receive transportation to school – and data reporting requirements in the federal Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), signed by President Obama in December 2015.
Effective use of data offers an enormous leverage to inform policy, create connections across traditionally siloed divides, and support collective action across. We have a <disciplined practice of measuring what matters and using this information to support real-time learning. We believe, deeply, that relationships with parents, family, peers and community are central to a young person’s educational success and we are measuring the degree to which we are helping to forge and strengthen these connections.
We do not provide “technical assistance” or “training” in the traditional sense of the terms. Our approach is to come to the table with our partners in a spirit of shared learning. This orientation creates a climate of openness, builds trust, and most importantly uncovers the inherent wisdom of the practitioners that are working every day on behalf of young people.
1212 Broadway, Suite 600
Oakland, CA 94612