In December 2012, New Mexico’s Supreme Court and the Office of the Governor established a Joint Education Task Force to address educational disparities faced by system-involved students. The Task Force, co-chaired by Senior Justice Petra Jimenez Maes and Governor Susana Martinez, was charged with recommending inter-agency strategies for addressing the educational needs of children and youth in the State’s custody. In April 2014, the Task Force released a report and associated recommendations. One of the primary recommendations was to partner with FosterEd, an initiative of the National Center for Youth Law, to develop a FosterEd:New Mexico demonstration site and use it as the basis for a statewide FosterEd program. This recommendation was based on preliminary evidence from other states suggesting that such a program would improve the educational outcomes of children in the State’s care.
This report provides an update on the impact of FosterEd: New Mexico’s Lea County project and statewide efforts.
Author(s): FosterEd
Topic(s): Data and Evaluation, Foster Youth, Juvenile Justice, New Mexico
Recommended Audience(s): Agency Leaders and Professionals, Caregivers and Education Champions
Click to download: Building Champions for System-Involved Students: FosterEd Progress Update