The database on this page allows you to search 2012-2016 enacted child welfare legislation in the 50 states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico by state, topic, keyword, status and/or primary author.
Topics include adoption, child fatality/near fatality, child protection, child sex trafficking, courts and legal representation, disproportionality, education of children in foster care, foster care, funding of child welfare services, health and mental/behavioral health of children involved in the child welfare system, infant abandonment and safe surrender, kinship care, oversight, administration and interagency collaboration, prevention of child abuse and neglect, reporting of child abuse and neglect, services for older youth in foster care, siblings, termination of parental rights, tribal issues, and workforce.
Author(s): National Conference of State Legislatures
Topic(s): Academic Skills, Arizona, California, Court Engagement and Education, Foster Youth, Indiana, New Mexico, Trauma and Trauma-Informed Practice, Workforce Employment & Career Success
Resource Type: URL
Recommended Audience(s): Agency Leaders and Professionals, Caregivers and Education Champions
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