Governor Signs Bills For Students In State’s Care
Gov. Susana Martinez has signed two bills that will improve support for students in the state’s care. The legislation was developed in collaboration with young people who have had foster care or juvenile justice experience and their insights were critical to ensuring this legislation would provide meaningful help for system-involved students. Click here to read the […]
2016/2017 Prevention Resource Guide
The 2016/2017 Prevention Resource Guide offers great strength-based tip sheets and Protective Factors in Practice exercises to help build communities and hope for parents when faced with everyday challenging situations. Author(s): Child Welfare Information Gateway Publication Date: 2017 Topic(s): Trauma and Trauma-Informed Practice Resource Type: URL Recommended Audience(s): Agency Leaders and Professionals; Caregivers and Education […]
Child Welfare Enacted Legislation Database
The database on this page allows you to search 2012-2016 enacted child welfare legislation in the 50 states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico by state, topic, keyword, status and/or primary author. Topics include adoption, child fatality/near fatality, child protection, child sex trafficking, courts and legal representation, disproportionality, education of children in foster care, […]
Child Welfare Information Gateway
Child Welfare Information Gateway promotes the safety, permanency, and well-being of children, youth, and families by connecting child welfare, adoption, and related professionals as well as the public to information, resources, and tools covering topics on child welfare, child abuse and neglect, out-of-home care, adoption, and more. A service of the Children’s Bureau, Administration for […]
The Every Student Succeeds Act: An ESSA Overview
The new Every Student Succeeds Act, signed into law Dec. 10, 2015, rolls back much of the federal government’s big footprint in education policy, on everything from testing and teacher quality to low-performing schools. And it gives new leeway to states in calling the shots. That’s a big change from the No Child Left Behind Act […]
The Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015
The Every Student Succeeds Act protects the right of every student — regardless of race, ethnicity, disability, home language, or family income — to receive a quality education. Learn what you need to know — and what you can do — to make sure the law works for your child and other children in your communities. […]
Educational Outcomes Task Force
The goal of the Educational Outcomes Task Force is to promote interagency collaboration to better connect vulnerable youth with appropriate education and career pathways that lead to successful completion of high school equivalency, post- secondary education, job certification, and sustainable employment. Author(s): State of Indiana Topic(s): Indiana Resource Type: URL Recommended Audience(s): Agency Leaders and […]
Data Equity Walk Toolkit
A Data Equity Walk is a 45-90 minute activity for any size audience – high school and college students, teachers, district leaders, community members, or others – to engage with education data and discuss equity issues. Participants dive into data that shows education outcomes and exposes gaps between groups of students. The data usually show […]
California School-Based Health Alliance Webinars
The California School-Based Health Alliance offers webinars on topics that are of interest to providers, coordinators, and partners of school-based health care in California. Author(s): The California School-Based Health Alliance Topic(s): California, School Discipline, Trauma & Trauma-Informed Practice Resource Type: URL Recommended Audience(s): Agency Leaders and Professionals
Education Bills For Vulnerable Students Advance
Two bills designed to support New Mexico’s most vulnerable students have passed their first committees in the House. House Bills 411 and 301, sponsored by Representative and Majority Floor Whip Doreen Gallegos (D-Las Cruces), support at-risk students who, due to varying circumstances, face unparalleled challenges in pursuing their academic career due to their placement […]